Carlos at Rodero

Rodero is a wonderful, very typically spanish restaurant. Seafood and paella are their main menu items. They also do lovely steak, which James and I had tonight. Roy and Corin shared mussels steamed in white wine for starter and then a rabbit and snail paella for main course. Mum had sausage, egg and chips. A large jug of wine straight from the vat, 3 coffees and an ice cream.

My brother will laugh now when I add the final detail.

70 Euros.

sorry - in joke.

Carlos is the son of the owner. He greets Mum and Roy like family and even offered to let me in the kitchen this evening to take photos of them at work. However, come 9pm, all of the Spanish families came out to eat and the restaurant became busy and I really didn't want to get in the way, so I declined his kind offer. Shame, but I'd get really cheesed off if someone got in my way whilst I was working!

I did manage to get some photos of different members of the team - the staff are the same every year - it's no frills, but just has a wonderful atmosphere about it - busy but friendly.

See here for others, along with male beach volleyball and other sights from the evening, including half a cooked rabbit's head, snails and the beach by moonlight

On the way back to the car, whilst stood taking a photo of the moonlit beach, a deep male voice says to me "Have you got anything good then?" A brief panic that I am about to be mugged and I turn to look at a face that I recognise, but can't put a name to. I confessed this to be the case "It's Rob, Andrea's husband".

Small world. Andrea and I used to work with each other. I knew she was over as we were going to meet up. There she was, sat at a restaurant, 100 yards down from where we had been for the previous hour and a half.

Tomorrow, off to Cartagena to see Roman ruins and other such stuff. James off out with his second family to go to the water park.

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