Who knew?

By InOtherNews

Missed It

"I'm telling you Colin there is no effing fairy sale here today. I only need Pixiebelle Trixalot to complete the collection and you've got me a an effing wild goose chase. I tell you I'll have your head on a plate at pilates later. Ciao"

I decided to turn my hand to a little opportunistic street photography today, and thankfully with my trusty 70-300 I could do it from the comfort of the ofice. The naked eye suggested this guy was smoking as well but the camera never lies now does it?

I also thought he was looking at me. Not sure if he would be able to see a 5" circular lens pointing out from behing the blinds, but nevertheless I was a tad concerned. He looked hard, a bit like Penfold from Dangermouses older brother.

I went up to the hospital to see Michelle yesterday. I'm beginning to get a bit tired of seeing my family and friends in pain with broken bones and the like. Obviously after Clean's impromptu sky dive there was my little brothers brush with the surgeons knife as well. I know a broken back and a spinal injury is serious shit, and poor old Michelle is so independent it's going to be a real mission for her to be waited on hand and foot. She is arguably my oldest female friend (in terms of how long I've known her: she isn't 100 or anything) so I want to be there for her.

I'm also trying to convince her sister Nicki to join blip. She is a proper photographer and I'd appreciate her comments on my amatuer stuff as I appreciate all yours.

In other news: I've taken to not setting my alarm and seeing when I wake up. It's not a tactic I've employed before but y'know me I like to shake things up every now and again. This morning it was 7.25am. Yesterday it was 7.25am. That's what I like, a bit of consistency. Tomorrow I'm not going to try it though, got to hit Southport in time for the first game of our championship winning Blue Square Premier season. In reality despite being shit last season we were too good to go down, so this season it's ON. I dreamed we drew 0-0. I'll be fucking raging if I drive all the way to the North West to a ramshackle little tin pot ground and we come away with nowt.


I'd like to leave you with some lyrics from the Weezer track 'Pork and Beans'

"I'mma do the things
That I wanna do
I ain't got a thing
To prove to you
I'll eat my candy
With the pork and beans
Excuse my manners
If I make a scene
I ain't gonna wear
The clothes that you like
I'm fine and dandy
With the me inside
One look in the mirror
And I'm tickled pink
I don't give a hoot
About what you think"

Have a weekend. Good or bad, makes no real difference to me.

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