
By PrimeMart

Wine Street

Neustadt a.d Weinstrasse

How could we not visit a place called New Town Wine Street??? It is the self proclaimed (which I am always dubious of) wine capital of Deustchland, they even crown an annual wine queen! Apparently they call her the Blue Nun...... sorry I made that bit up!

So a pleasant 45 minute drive to Wine Street, found us a pleasant stellplatz with a short walk in to the altstadt (old town.) A pleasant amble around quaint, narrow windy streets (which disappointingly did not run with wine!) which had an interesting mix of very old, sympathetic new, and appalling 70?s concrete buildings and shops.

We found a nice eiscafe in the shade overlooking the market platz and spent a very nice 45 minutes people watching, and I blipped a toilet sign which luckily enough had an interesting light, an old church and a nice sky behind!

After the 10 minutes walk back to the motorhome we were hot and sticky, so left our 4 euro a night stellplatz and drove 3 miles to a village which had very nice municipal outdoor pools which the teens enjoyed splashing around in, and I enjoyed reading my book by.

Just slides and a high springboards in these 2 pools. We have been spoilt recently in the thermal spas which have pummel jets for pummelling back muscles, fountain spurts for massaging necks and shoulders, and tingle jets for..... well....tingling you!

Now we are settled among vineyards, drinking local produce whilst curry is cooking in the motorhome.

Todays Travel: 43 miles
Nightly Fee: kostenlos (free)

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