
a heat wave is coming.
It's hitting 35-38 degrees in the shade by mid afternoon currently.
This is not a heat wave.
This is normal.
Reckoning 40+ when the heatwave appears.
At that point I will be mostly living in the water.

James and I wandered onto the solarium on the top of Mum's house this evening. It was cool enough (just) - impossible to go up there in the day. Unless melting is your afternoon activity of choice.

Spent rather a lot of time reading and then getting in the pool. Spent rather a lot of time lounging around on the edge of the pool talking to Wayne and Kelly. As a result, my back is very very red. Shortly, it will be sore.

So tomorrow, it will be golf. With a t-shirt on.

I have hiccups and can no longer type without making silly typing errors.

I think that I need a surprise, or wine.

Night all

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