The Meldrum Michies

By meldrummichies


It's been a wee while since I've set my alarm for a Monday morning. In fact, it's been more than five years since I've worked on a Monday and thereby escaped that horrible Sunday night sense of dread and doom.

First day back is never *too* bad though, even if I did have to get up whilst everyone else was still in their beds. They'll feel the pain tomorrow as Hannah and Ella both have to get up for school. Mwah ha ha! We couldn't quite figure out why Ella wasn't more excited until this evening. She was getting a warning about good behaviour at school tomorrow and asked how long her school visit would be. Turns out she didn't realise that she was actually going to school - she thought it was just another visit...She then started to hyperventilate and started whispering (to herself) "Breathe Ella, just breathe."


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