As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

Long Run And More Work

I woke up this morning with the hope of running for the first time since....oh, I don't know...July 24th? Yeah, it's been a while. So Kenny asked if I wanted to run and I've been starting to feel better so I said I would go. He said he was doing seven miles and I said I would do my best to stay with him but not to be surprised if I fall back. Well, we ended up doing more than seven miles. WE DID 9.21!!!! THAT'S THE MOST I'VE EVER RUN!!! And especially after not running for almost three weeks, that's pretty good. After that, I sat at home for a while trying to do more essays for AP Euro. Then Meg (as seen above) showed up at my door and said that her and my brother were going to get lunch and she asked if I wanted to come. Of course I did, but I just started working. After taking twenty minutes to clean up my dog's puke with my brother we finally hit the road. We ate at Panera (

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