No, I shan't show you

42 weeks + 6 days

Well, last night Katie slept very well, she'd been a happy girl all that previous day too, her normal delight. I'd noticed a swollen gum yesterday and the bottom two middle teeth were definitely moving but certainly not through. So you can imagine my surprise when a friend looked at Katie and said 'I don't know why your mummy's said you have no teeth, I can see it'. I felt, and sure enough... it had cut! Entirely not what I'd expected at all. So poor Katie had most of the day with me trying to get a photo in which you can see it - due to requests from various family members to see the tooth. Slightly difficult when it's only a milimetre long and practically clear! But I can tell you for certainty that I can feel it there ;-)

We had a lovely morning with our friends, Katie and baby max adore each other and play so nicely. I'm pretty gutted they return to Australia on Sunday for another year. I'm going to investigate Skype though, the babies need video-playdates!

Katie had an afternoon with her much loved Granny and Grandad and when Mummy returned from her appointment, even Uncle Fantastic made it in time for tea!

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