As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

Ferris Bueller, You're My Hero

I went to Nick's house to work on AP Euro today. No, not to work with him on AP Euro, just to work in his house. His house is nice and quiet and I need to be out of my house to be able to focus enough to get stuff done. So I worked for two hours, then we went to McDonald's for lunch, and then I worked for another hour. After that I went home and got ready to go running with Danny and Pat. It was a great run that ended up being 6.33 miles at a good pace. When I got home I showered and had a piano lesson. Then I went to Sam's house where we;
1) Watched Ferris Bueller
2) Got yogurt
3) Watched Julian Smith Youtube videos
4) Sat on her hammock

Good night.

Word of the Day: Jointure - Property given to a woman upon marriage, to be owned by her after her husband's death

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