As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

Library Adventures

So...guess where I spent my day again. That's right. The library. Woo....

I got there a little before it opened and waited outside until they unlocked it. I went to my spot near the window, turned no my Nicholas Hooper Pandora station, and got to work. Then Timmy came an hour later. Then Alyssa slapped me to make me aware of her presence in the library. Kaitlin showed up shortly afterwards. Then the surprise guests began appearing. Danny heard that Timmy was at the library with Alyssa and he had to come and join in the fun. Then Peter came and read and I used his laptop. Pat came (also because of Alyssa) and while him and Danny where there we got little to no work done. Then they left and I went to Runner's Edge to get new shoes and shorts for camp. Then I came back later and only Kaitlin, Alyssa, and Peter were left. Some guy that tried being cool like us by coming to the library sat at our usual table in the morning (we like it because it has a lot of outlets) and he wasn't there when I came back so I borrowed Alyssa's laptop and sat there with it plugged in. Then he came back and Alyssa wanted me to move but I was perfectly fine sharing the table with with Random Library Man. I'm pretty sad (not really though) that this will be my last library adventure until I get back from running camp next week. Oh well. All good things must end...

Word of the Day: Runic - Having some secret or mysterious meaning

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