Mr Mysterious H

By MrMayhem

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Firstly yesterday links were, the GnR t-shirt i had on and the one everybody missed...the guitar in the picture is a mini replica of the Gibson Les Paul Slash play in the Sweet child of mine video. The Lyrics were Night Train by GnR.

Okay so thanks for all the great comment and my first two 'non brother' favourites'!! I will be catching up on all comments today and be back blipping to catch up from yesterday. It was my wedding anniversary yesterday so i stayed off blip. However i did get a pretty interesting blip which will be with you in a little while.

Okay so to todays blip. Up until the age of about 20 i took most of my musical taste from others. My cousin who i worked for showed me The Beatles, Chuck Berry and Oasis my Bro, RATM James and Carter USM and the naughty only child at the end of the street showed me Chubby Brown and Kevin Bloody Wilson.

The first real artist i remember, not only choosing for myself but introducing to others was a guy called Uncle Kracker. The song was Follow me. I first heard it in a corner bar when i was going from Detroit to Texas it made me drift away to Heaven and sing yeah yeah yeah.

He is/was signed to a kid rock label and has done everything from rap to Country. His country music is fantastic for people who want to listen to country but don't wanna feel like a redneck, old lady, or a slightly learning dis singleton who goes line dancing because they aren't socially adequate enough to meet normal people in normal places.

So i'll leave you with some lyrics from one of my favourite Uncle Kracker songs.....

I know a cabin down there in Tennessee
Where you can't find the forest on account of the trees
And Old Perry Foster he got something to say
And you can smell the pigs cuz' they been cookin' all day

I don't need no critics
I don't need no suits
I just need somebody who can tell me the truth
You can keep your opinions
You can keep on walkin'
I'm gonna raise my glass yeah to Thunderhead Hawkins

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