Mr Mysterious H

By MrMayhem

Rauceby psychiatric hospital

Okay firstly yesterday featured Uncle Kracker. The link to the photo was....the CD in the hand of the "creepy" arm. Its No Stranger To Shame. The lyrics were from one of my favourite Kracker song Thunderhead Hawkins. I'd love to put a link but apparently he isn't popular enough for his song to be anywhere on the web. Maybe i should feature D-nubz or Rizzy Dascle.

Okay so to todays picture. The coach house at the old Mental asylum in Rauceby. As you may know today (Friday) is (was) my wedding anniversary. So me and Mrs Hutchinson decided we would have the day out. So we left Our House and went Driving in my car. Now Mel knew i was keen on taking a few shots here so suggested we nip a mental hospital...on our anniversary...It must be love!!!

It was fairly spooky to be honest we had to go through a little wooded area that was like and old train track, glad we didn't see a ghost train. There is still a fair amount of stuff there, several of the old wards and the old church. I wanted to get a see more of it but we had Isaac with us and he is a mummys boy plus i was wearing Baggy Trousers so i'm gonna (already have so check out tomorrows ((Saturdays, this is getting confusing now)) panoramic shot) pop back at a later date.

I leave you with lyrics from who else.....MADNESS!!!!!!!

Night boat to cairo !!.....
Its just gone noon
Half past monsoon
On the banks of the river nile
Here comes the boat
Only half-afloat
Oarsman grins a toothless smile
Only just one more
To this desolate shore
Last boat along the river nile
Doesnt seem to care
No more wind in his hair
As he reaches his last half mile
The oar snaps in his hand
Before he reaches dry land
But the sound doesnt deafen his smile
Just pokes at wet sand
With an oar in his hand
Floats off down the river nile
Floats off down the river nile

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