I did take a couple of other shots but they were REALLY rubbish so its D again, as you can see he's over his drama of yesterday; he decided to walk me to the station this morning because he had no college and he was also going gto visit friends in Reading so I hve a free weekend until he's back Sunday night. He's a shocker this is only the 2nd time he's seen this friend since he's been here and the last time his friend visited our house. However, I'm kinda really annoyed with him - can you believe he's somehow syncd my iTunes to his iPod and I've lost everything and for some reason it won't work on my PC so that was the only hard copy - grrrr I'm as mad as hell now all it will take is one little slip up and my iPod syncs to his - if that happens I wouldn't even like to think what will happen. I told him to only plug in his iPod if he was logged in as him but typical of a man he just didn't listen!!

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