Chaos and Calm

By KatKatzenjammer

You can't have your cake and eat it too.

? It's got to be one of the stupidest sayings in the history of stupid sayings... If I have some cake, I'm damn well going to eat it. Not sure about you, but I believe cake is for eating.
But today, I think I finally started to understand that stupid, stupid saying.

Master Four Year Old was... How can I say this without sounding like a terrible mother...? He was a monster today.

I'd promised him a trip to the park today, as the weather was once again full of pre-spring beauty... On the condition that he behaved himself. Of course, he didn't. But still demanded to go. I decided to compromise. I desperately needed a mid-afternoon caffeine and cake hit, so I told him, if he could be a good boy while at the cafe, we'd go to the park. He drank his milkshake quietly. Asked politely for a bite of my cake. The second my phone rang, he was off again. Running around causing havoc, being rude to me, and making demands to the waitresses. (This is the look I got when I told him to sit down again for a moment... Though I focused on what wasn't left of the yummy cake and drinks... You can still see him staring daggers at me.)
Because it had been a dull day for him, I decided I'd take him to the park anyway, because I wanted to play on the swings for a few minutes as I wanted some cute photos. And to enjoy the glorious sunshine.

We got to the park, and he kicked up a massive tantrum. All of a sudden he didn't want to go to the park. He just wanted to go home. EXCUSE ME?!?! I spend all day listening to him demanding to go, then when he gets to go, despite the terrible behaviour, he doesn't want it?

The tantrum lasted the 10 minute walk to the supermarket, the 10 minutes in the supermarket (there's always that one screaming child, and today it was mine), then the five minute walk home. Guess what my little darling was screaming about as soon as we walked in the door...
He wanted to go to the park.

You can't have your cake and eat it too.

Sometimes I wish there was a fast-forward button, or an easy way out. But I've never found them.

"Putting on a brave face,
Trying not to listen to the voices
In the back of my head.
But it's alright now...
Wearing me out,
All the hanging around.
It just starts getting me down.
Still, I'm just lookin' for the easy way out."
~ Easy Way Out - Gotye

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