A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Fig Square

Possibly it is easier to romanticise something in a foreign language and very possibly to a non--English speaker Fig Square sounds as lovely as Plaza de Higuitos does to my native English ears. Or maybe not. Anyway, after a fun time shopping at the mercado municipal which is one of my favourite things to do in Spain we headed to this square which we often walk through but have never stopped in before. We were well rewarded not only with lovely drinks and fine tapas but also this view which I particularly like because of the attention to curtain-choosing detail of the apartment owners. It was also great because despite a very busy morning in town and the hustle and bustle of the mercado only a street away it was a quiet, shady refuge.

A day ran purely on Spanish time led to a mejillones lunch around 3pm, pool around 6pm and dinner around 8.30pm. For the record dinner was rosada from the market cooked on the BBQ which, contrary to our reservations that it would fall apart, cooked beautifully and was delicious.

In contrast to the laziness of the rest of the day, the plan now is that we will do some work. I like to think we are keeping to the Spanish groove of working when it is cool enough to hear your brain think. Though ironically it is for me and yet Carl is the one encouraging me to focus and I am the one happily blipping and wondering how short we can make it.

Lesley x

Better get to it

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