Heading home

This photo was taken as we slowly and carefully docked in the port of Monte Carlo and we had an early breakfast before leaving our super little cruise ship.

It has been a magnificent experience. We've sampled the millionaire lifestyle for a fraction of the cost - but how do you put a price on watching dreamy sunsets and sunrises, and sitting for a long time over a coffee while the world goes by.

I adore the Med

A glittering array of superb places and thank you everyone for your comments. I hope you've enjoyed the journey with me.

A quick thank you to the Lufthansa baggage handlers in Munich. My flight from Nice was delayed so badly that the Birmingham flight was boarding as I landed. I ran (well hopped and hobbled at comic speed) and they must have held it for me. To my amazement, my big suitcase arrived too. Thanks guys.

I'll be getting back to commenting over the next couple of days, while I catch up.

The washer is going strong now - and I'm just trying to face the pile of post !

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