The long view
It's not a bad view, really. Here are the chunk of the Pyrenees that will fit in my camera, taken from in front of the house. The twinkly lights are Caraman (I think) which is not far from us, but only really somewhere we know from directing people to find our house off the Route de Caraman. Our centre of gravity lies to the north, in Lavaur, which will be our nearest town when we're in the MBH.
Speaking of which, I was there this morning while K was in her French class, stripping wallpaper and checking for water damage from the recent downpours (none - though I had no torch and was feeling rather gingerly along the walls previously covered in mould, mushrooms and slugs... (Mr B gives me all the best jobs). Later there was some lounging about, some photo editing, some ironing in front of Toy Story 3 (in French), some weeding and some gloating over the lovely ripe yellow melon we have. I am told that they require 2-4 days in a cool room after picking to come to perfection, so I will pick it tomorrow so it is just right when Mr B gets back.
Another lazy day.
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