princess phase

I am sure four years old is the peak time for a bit of princess worship (here she is this morning, still in pjs, ignoring breakfast to 'read' through her princess stories)! Lets just say we are all looking forward to the next stage - whatever that might be!

It is not that I mind that Sienna wants to dress up as a princess at least twice a day, it is not really a problem that she desires the Princess CD with 24 princess songs to be played whenever we get in the car (which leaves us humming show tunes for the rest of the day), it is just that she really thinks that being a princess is an option for when she grows up!

As this conversation went:

"When I grow up I want to be a payer."
"A payer, what's a payer, Sienna?"
"Someone who people pay in a shop, Mummy."
"Right, I see, that is fine but you might find that as you get older you will find other things you might want to do."
"OK, Mummy, I will just be a princess then."!!!

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