My little rudey-nudey

We had our first nappy fail in a very long time last night. Thankfully it was not poo related. I'm not entirely sure what went wrong, I'm inclined to blame the nappy to be honest! So Ben got stripped off first thing this morning. I only managed to persuade him to put pants on because he was insisting on standing in the window to watch the builders unload all the aggregate for the concrete floor in the dining room.

Aggregate! Concrete! It finally arrived!! And presently, soon did the realisation that I was now trapped in the house. Couldn't get out of the front because the mountain of aggregate was blocking the front gate; and couldn't get out of the back door because the back door is through the dining room. Which now has a wet concrete floor down! They have also filled in the hearth in front of the fireplace, so Ben and I put our handprints in the wet concrete there and I wrote our names and the date. Hopefully it'll still be pliant enough for Steve to put his handprint in when he gets home. I might blip that in my other journal if Steve manages to get his handprint in.

Eventually we decided the only thing for it was to climb Mount Aggregate and escape. Took ourselves off for Ben to see Ede and Rosie, and for me to use Christina's tumbledrier :)

The kids had a great time. I grabbed Ben and managed to take his trousers and nappy off to exchange them for pants, and Ede got all excited thinking I was stripping Ben off for him to play in the paddling pool! So the paddling pool was brought out as it was a lovely warm morning, and all three kids stripped off and played in the pool and on the climbing frame and trampoline and round the garden. Oh to be two years old and so carefree!!

By the time we left it was lunchtime and we decided the only thing for it was to go to the cafe at the supermarket for lunch as we had no bread at home for lunch and needed to go shopping anyway. For once we actually ate most of our lunch. We had ham, egg and chips - Ben had the chips and I had the ham and eggs, and then we shared a big wedge of chocolate cake. Suited us well! Might go for that again if we end up at a cafe for lunch together.

Home again and desperately trying not to let Ben fall asleep in the car. Succeeded, I think, but he has still managed to not fall asleep at home as if he'd managed a micro-nap in the car.

I'm off out tonight for a girlie night out so I'm hoping Ben doesn't cry too much. He's been a lot better since we got back into our own house, no waking up in the night crying, no complaining of bad dreams. This evening will see if he's stopped worrying about mummy going away. He's back in familiar territory even if the house is upside down - but from Friday we can start to straighten up again! Hurrah!

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