A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

More gorging and general gorgeousness

The start of my day was marred slightly by a terrible night's sleep due to ALL THE MOSSIES IN THE WORLD chewing my ankles. I feel it serves me right for blipping about how well I'd been sleeping earlier in the week. Oh well, the benefit of a Spanish rhythm of life is that you get two bites at the sleeping cherry and I managed to catch up on some of the missing zzzzs at siesta time.

Home day today which involved my least favourite job of hanging out washing. Even given a lovely setting and glorious weather and even with a slight breeze (my mother would have been beside herself with excitement at such a 'great drying day') I just find it an excruciatingly dull thing to do.

Other lovely stuff made up for it in a now familiar shape of pool and lunch. This evening we headed into town to meet a friend for a drink then off for dinner on the beach. Here's the remains of mine.

Lesley x

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