A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Good things

Today has been a real mixed bag but figs wrapped in Serrano ham are definitely a good thing. Even when they are green figs which, in my opinion, are not a patch on the black variety. Still, a million miles better than the terrible, terrible lunch I had that I waited almost an hour for. That's one restaurant we shalln't be returning to. And it doesn't even have the excuse of Fiesta night that the other not great service we had experienced here had. The one waiter did seem to be running the place single handed and I honestly wouldn't have been surprised if he'd been working in the kitchen too. Had to feel sorry for him and generally be very British and not say anything.

Amongst the other not so great stuff was a disappointing trip to the market. Not the everyday food one but the once a week non-food one. We got the things we were after but on the whole it seemed to have a very different feel from previous years - much less variety of goods on offer and much cheaper but not in a good way. Can't help wondering if it's an effect of the many Oriental Bazaars that have opened here in the last couple of years or general economic decline. Or perhaps both.

On the good stuff - we found a lovely new park / planted area leading down to a lovely cove and beach, I swam my first ever front crawl mile and now C and J have headed into town to watch Super Copa (Chelsea - the boy's team - vs Atletico Madrid) and me an A are about to curl up in front of a movie and paint our nails.

Ending on the good is good
Lesley x

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