
One of the sad parts of being a teacher is that so many young people pass through your classroom doors and for the most part, after they leave, you don't know what happens to them.

Occasionally though, you find out, and you remember that the reason you love teaching is because your students often make you so proud you could burst.

Meet Joe Simpson. Joe is a former student, from way back. I didn't teach him art, that was the honour of my friend Dan, who did!

Joe is now a recognised artist, working with oil paint and canvas. If you go to the link above and have a look at the musician images that he is currently working on, you'll see that he is an exceptionally talented young man. His portrait of Maxi Jazz is currently in the National Portrait Gallery in London as part of the BP Portrait Award 2011.

Tonight I whizzed over to Salford, to the Lowry Hotel, where his collection "Almost There" is currently exhibiting - Joe is stood in front of one of my favourite paintings from the series.

Tonight was a little preview evening. Sadly, Dan wasn't able to make it because he would have loved to have seen Joe and to see his work. It is exquisite in its detail, so realistic it is bordering on photographic and when you are stood in front of them, they are very evocative. I was priviledged to go and see them (even if it did cost me a fiver to park!).

My other sadness is that they are for sale and it seems such a shame that they won't remain intact, as a collection, unless a buyer with a serious amount of cash comes along. Most of his work in this collection is retailing at £2000. I'd love one, but really can't afford it!!!

Joe has turned into a lovely young man. He remains modest, welcoming and more than happy to chat, even to an old teacher from back in his teenage years.

If you get a chance, have a look at his work. Hopefully, he will be exhibiting the Musicians in London, in the not too distant future - they will be worth a visit.

Two other processed shots - I couldn't decide!

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