Imitation the most sincerest form of flattery, or so they say. I'm not sure imitation fags and trainers from the back of a van are intended to flatter the good people at Nike or Benson and Hedges. However the other day my Bro did some pop art style stuff and I liked it. So I imitated it.

I also like Buddy Holly, both the song by Weezer and the man himself. With my complimentary 3D glasses I look a bit like him. I got those 3D glasses whilst watching that Avatar film. That was a load of bum chutney wasn't it? Special effects were alright, by why does James Cameron always have to spoil an epic movie with a wafer thin love story subplot?

Also a point on 3D glasses: not great if you were glasses. I can't wear the 3D ones over my glasses, so I either see lots of blurry images in 3D, or lots of crisp (but slightly messed up) images in 2D. For £10 as well. That's why I don't go to the cinema.

My dad is on blip now as well. I'm not sure my links always work but yesterday he commented on my blip as 'petezipit' so why not pop along and say hello.

I think I may have lost my phone. I popped out to shoot tonights sunset (very disappointing), sent a text and then placed it into what I believed was my open camera bag. Now I'm home it's not there and I'm wondering if I tossed it onto a closed camera bag and it now resides in a field full of sheep?

I bet those furry buggers are using my free minutes. It's a good job I'm not on Facebook anymore, I might have been fraped. By a sheep.

That wouldn't happen actually, they'd never suss my password.

In other news tomorrow is a fairly big day. I'm meeting a bsuinessman mate of mine in the morning for some crucial tips on internet selling, popping over to my old place of work to borrow some web design software and ending by going to bed. In between there will doubtless be some laughs, some tears and hopefully an underlying morale we can all live by.

I'm waffling. I think I'm getting phone withdrawal...... I'm off out now to hunt around a field full of sheep with a torch. In the dark.

My god people might think I'm Welsh.

For those easily offended please be aware the punchline is for racial stereotype purposes only and does not reflect the opinions of the writer. I happen to have a respect for the Welsh people and their beautiful country. I even fancied Charlotte Church a little bit (after she turned 18 but before she had kids. So for about a month).

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