Last Play

22months 12 days

Well, Katie went back to nursery this morning. We turned into the drive and she said "oh nooo". The nursery nurse asked if she wanted to feed the fish, which Katie was pleased about but wouldnt let me go. She was mortified when she realised I really was and had to be peeled from me. But it didnt last long, they said. She did a painting today, which was progress. Whilst she was doing that she actually chatted a little, but otherwise was entirely mute the whole visit. She still wont go play with the other children outside, just watches. There were no overwhelmed tears when I arrived, just huge hugs and then "Katie car now".

Straight after nursery, we met Noah and his mummy. We walked to the duck pond together and the children fed about 40ducks the contents of Katie's cracker box (squished up!) We put them in the cars and went to a cafe in a village nearby. It was a stunning place, but not necessarily toddler-appropriate. Cream leather chairs, glass table tops (which Katie took great thrill from put one hand on top, one underneath, and smooshing the handprint she could see it was leaving!) But the food was very good, the staff very helpful with the children.

She fell asleep on the way home and transferred into her pram for a bit longer. It was a nice but sad afternoon. The play cafe is closing today, and a new owner has yet to be found, so the closure is indefinite. So we went and the children had a really good play - it was as if they knew! They all did everything so happily, over and over. We stayed til the bitter end, our group of friends being the last to leave. Very special happy times have been had there, and we will miss it, and the staff, a lot.

We had a lovely time at home together afterwards. AFter her tea, we sat down on the sofa as she wanted a little tv time and some cuddles. So we snuggled up and before I knew it we both fell asleep, waking up at 7.1 5, when I put her to bed. And she slept through til 6.30!

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