Tree Fella

Oh! Mercy mercy me!

I thought it would be an exciting day!

And it was!

Today, in my garden, I had tree fellers.
Tree climbing harnesses, carabiners, ropes, throw lines, climbing spikes (attached to boots), helmets with visors, chain saws and tractors. OOOOOOOhhhhh!

Apparently the protective trousers are to prevent accidents with the chain saw, not attacks from the fairer sex.
Trust me, after watching for more than a while, I know. You have to be fit, fit, fit to be an arborist.

These gorgeous hunks of manhood required no more than regular cups of tea with two sugars and a bit of banter to keep them working for hours.

I had to take myself away this afternoon, it was all too much for me in my delicate state of need.

On my return I joined them for yet another cuppa and I accidentally put sugar in my cup too. I had forgotten how delicious sweet tea is. Big mistake, yes huge! The sugar rush caused me to go into a full swoon.

I'm exhausted now and resting quietly.

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