Old Bangers

Following on from the vintage vehicles of the last couple of days, I thought an occasional series of 'old bangers' and their (imaginary) dating profiles might be fun. I would like to confirm that they will all be fictional - and not based on any people I know or have ever met!! (Yeah right.)

Hi, my name is Jack Knife
Ault and a little rusty, I may be, but I'm articulate (d) and still have plenty of petrol in my tank.
As you can see I have lost my way recently, so I am looking for someone to get me back on the road.
I like a good night out on the town, fuel me up, and strike a light!! Things can get hot, hot, hot.
I do have a couple of spare tyres, hope you don't mind. It would be smashing to meet you.

Written in haste as going to celebrate Keep-up Keith's birthday,

I welcome your pearls of wisdom!!

Old Bangers ( 1) the series will be tagged oldbangers.

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