As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

What A Bond

I woke up today with the intention of going to the U.S. Open. That didn't work out. So I went to cross country practice instead. That was...average. Then I came home, showered, and went to Brendan's to work on homework with him and Courteney. We had Chinese food and got a lot done. And then we started playing Words With real work was done from that point on.

I got home just before Meg and Chris arrived. They were out to lunch because today happens to be my brother's 18th birthday! So as he is getting out of her Smart Car, he takes the garbage from their lunch. There is a hole in the bag and ketchup pours all over her car. He *tries* to help but he's kind of useless so...

This is their awkward away-hug. I don't even know...

Word of the Day: Darkle - to grow dark, gloomy, etc

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