All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Ethan gets pushed around

I took Ethan to his 2nd gymnastics class this morning. He seemed to really enjoy it again. During some parts he was trying to join in with some of the actions and instructions but at others he wouldn't stay where he was supposed to as he kept trying to run off and play with the toys!

We then went round Toys R Us which proved to be not such a good idea. I nearly had to buy a few items which Ethan picked up from the shelves and refused to put down, but managed to side track him eventually and got rid of them! We then went to Sainsbury's where he was a wee angel - sat in the trolley perfectly the whole way roundwhich is unusual these days.

When I got home, I sorted through my maternity clothes and Ethan's wee baby clothes to take over to my sister-in-law who is expecting her 4th baby in January. After lunch, we drove over to her house in Edinburgh. Ethan had great fun playing in the garden with his cousins Ellen & Isla-Rose (Cambell & Ross are a more grown up 7 and prefered to say indoors playing with their playstation)!

He fell asleep in the car on the way home and continued to sleep for ages. Am hoping this late nap doesn't mean an early rise tomorrow morning!

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