All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch


Yet another really warm day today. Funny how we're into September and now the good weather arrives!

After an initial lazy morning, Ethan & I spent a few hours doing food shopping and picking up his Abidec prescription. After coming home for lunch, we then went back out, to the Almond Valley Heritage Centre. It's the first time we've been ourselves as we usually meet other mummies/babies we know there. But as we haven't been for a month or so, I thought we'd take advantage of the good weather and use our annual membership. Ethan fell asleep in the car on the way there and at first I felt a bit out of place wandering round by myself with a sleeping baby. But he soon woke up and I popped him in the Baby Bjorn so he could see the animals better, which he loved. We also went back on the trampolines which he adores! As soon as I sat him on it, a big grin spread across his face. He was even able to sit up and keep his balance while I gently bounced on it, which I was quite impressed with.

I did take lots of animal shots today but wasn't happy with any of them so it was an emergency sunset blip tonight instead! Last time I did one of these, I ended up having a very dramatic day the next day! Let's hope tomorrow is nice and relaxed instead!

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