
"James - I want you to put your uniform on and just check that everything fits before tomorrow morning. Then I want to take a photo of you"

"James - stand still, let me take a photo of you"

"James - Smile please"

"No James, please don't dance"


Poor James!

He has since gone out to meet up with his friend, Harry, who he spent so much of his time with up till the age of 5, but for a variety of reasons, lost touch with. Fortunately, contact has been re-established, so James was very excited to be going round to see H this evening for an hour.

So here he is - the "record shot" of the uniformed boy, the night before the first day at big school.

I confess that I am fussing, am worrying, am a little bit tearful and am realising that my time with Jimbo is about to become focussed on being organised, getting his homework done and then the rest of the time he is likely to be a normal pre-teen boy, out playing with his mates and leaving me worrying about what he is up to. They grow up so quickly.

He IS a little nervous - worried about getting lost, being late because of getting lost, getting in trouble for being late because of getting lost. All normal worries. He is not worried about friendships or anything of that ilk. Fortunately, what he currently lacks in physical stature is more than made up for by his confidence and ability to engage with people.

I'm dreading dropping him off tomorrow, but looking forward to hearing about his day and to starting a new phase of his life with him.

Good luck James - I promise not to embarass you in the morning - go get 'em, you'll be just fine.

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