
So that's it then. The summer holidays are over. Back to school for Bella and Ally tomorrow. Worse still, Lily starts scho tomorrow. Proper school. Full time and everything. No more keeping her off on a whim to go on some pointless 'adventure'.

Don't get me wrong, they are no angels. There have been times today when I could happily have killed the lot of them. And it will do Ally the power if good to have 6 hours a day no where near TV/laptop/DS. And Lily will have an absolute scream at proper school - she'll love it! And Bella adores her teacher and is essentially a big girly swot. And Reddy needs some order and routine back in his life. And I may actually tidy and clean the house now.

But still *sigh*, I'm going to miss the 3 of them, conversation with Red isn't the greatest. Ah well, it's only 6 and a bit weeks until the next holiday...

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