
By Exbeeb

There's nuffink to eat

That is usually what I hear from teenagers when they open a larder cupboard in our house. I can see lots of thing to eat - and drink. But still this is what I hear. Being a family household, this is also only a few of the shelves that are stocked until they near overflow - but can they find anything -no!

There was once a cold war saying, that "the West is only three meals from anarchy". Well, I think we're at least a couple of weeks away, as long as nobody takes our can opener away or switches the freezer off. But hang on...

From what started as a slightly tongue-in-cheek look at what teenagers don't want to eat (mainly the contents of our larder), I am left considering what would we do if there was a disaster of some kind. If the power went off, the gas, the water and sewerage? What even if just the supermarket delivery drivers went on strike for a week - the shops would very quickly empty.

Grow your own people say. I've tried that, not too successfully, and besides, no good starting when the disaster strikes, things take a long time to grow. Maybe the cold war saying is still valid. Certainly everywhere I have travelled.

Food for thought perhaps?

(Sorry about that last pun - awful I know.)

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