Northumbrian sunset
This is taken from my parents' house, where we've escaped for the long weekend.
The usual long drive down the A68 was made even more enjoyable than usual by an amusing (not) grinding noise from the back end of the car. When I had a chat to our usual mechanic about this he diagnosed worn brake pads. Felt a bit thick when he said that as, in retrospect, it seems rather obvious. But in my defence, when the front ones wore out, the electronic gubbins in the car was warning me about this for about 500 miles before they actually had to be replaced. How was I to know there were no sensors in the rear ones (and why???)
This is the third time this car has broken down on the way to my folks. And it's only broken down..... three times. Is it trying to tell me something?
Anyway, nice view there. This is where I grew up and it's still home in a lot of ways.
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