Things around the home part 2 ..
You get a tree,a fake blossom tree in a 'Easter' sale.... and you hang pretty eggs and things on it at Easter... and then,and then the cats keep knocking them off,and the kids keep messing about with the tree and tempting the cats to play more and then eldest child leaves home and the middle child moves into the big room and the baby moves into middle childs vacated room and THEN the eldest comes home and she has no lamp and the tree of 'waste of money-ness' goes into the eldests small room as a funky light fixture... the eldest buggers off to her own place and the lamp/tree/jug fixture remains... and we also have no bed in there as eldest took it..... so.............. when people visit at the moment you get an air bed,dressed with 1980's M&S bedlinen and a strange bedside light,which you cannot reach as you are almost floor level....
The moral of the long winded story is,don't stay with the Withers as we don't give a shit about if you are comfy or not xx
I have been so ill today,actually it began last night with the migraine from hell... no warning it just turned up and well I shall spare you the details,but I was rather peeky.... I had also run out of my nasal spray meds or so I thought,I found the last bloody one this morning AFTER going to the doctors for an emergency batch !! gggrrrrrrrrrr... another good reason to do a things around the home session for when I am stuck ;)
ADDED EXTRA.. look at the beautiful ceramic bird and beautiful coaster... part of a set of 4... Jayne Upton buys me lovely things..... and I love her... I love her so much my heart hurts... xxxxxxx seagull,monkeyface,i'll show youuuuu x
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