Pizza express

Daughter #1 couldn't wait to get to school today. Her friends picked her up at 8:10am. I dropped off daughter #2 and went to work. My son went to school in his own clothes today because they were having a team building activity for most of the day. His class came first.
Daughter #1 finally got some homework. She got a little bit cross and tearful at one point because she couldn't quite work out what her art homework was meant to be. It didn't help having big brother asking why she hadn't listened to the instructions in class. I explained that she has a whole week to do it and that she should ask her class mates tomorrow. She also had some 'cover your book in plastic' homework. I offered to help but only made things worse by failing miserably to do a good job. Does it matter if there are bumps? Apparently so and I was ordered to start again. As I peeled the plastic off, it started ripping her book cover. At this point, I started laughing hysterically and said that it would be best if she waits for Dad to do it tomorrow.

Hubby has gone to Holland so we went to pizza express for dinner. Whilst waiting for our oizzas, we had a game of bridge. My son was very tired and was getting very cross with daughter #2 (who was his partner) because he thought she was playing badly. She was actually playing quite well. We didn't have another game and I let my son play solitaire instead. He went straight to bed when we got home and I think he fell asleep as soon as he put his head on the pillow.

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