The second of the melons from the garden, and a different type. This one was properly orange inside - super juicy and with a delicious flavour. We'll definitely grow these again. The lilac smudge top left is Katherine, hovering anxiously and saying "aren't you finished yet?" so she could swoop in and steal a piece. Her second piece - having already stolen one from the chopping board despite our ban on childrens' fingers on chopping boards when knives are in action. The melon is all gone now.
Katherine had a French lesson this morning, and the rest of us headed to the MBH so Mr B could finish some taping and filling on the plasterboard, I could do some more finishing on the room that's nearly ready to paint and get my instructions for what's to be done next week when the boss is away in London.
Lazy afternoon off back at home, with lots of homework for the kids. Now my head hurts from trying to explain the imperfect tense and the use of the random "t" in forming questions by inversion of verb and subject (necessitating a lively description of how to tell what the subject and object are...) I've ordered a French grammar book to help me....
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