Every photo tells a story

By 5strings1

No.1 grandson Stephen, with Mario.

We had a spot of lunch today at The Phantom Winger, a family eatery with a passing reference to Sir Tom Finney. Number 1 son, also Stephen, told me he had seen the guy from the T.V. series, A Life of Grime, plus his son, having lunch there. No.1 son told me that he thinks the blockage shifters are also called Steve. Steve the blockage shifter, has a personalised reg, which features the letters POO. That is a Preston registration I believe. My son saw them leave, Steve senior with a mobile to his ear. Maybe on his way to tackle some of the brown stuff. I do hope he lets his lunch settle. When I uploaded the pics onto the P.C., I noticed that no.1 grandson was holding a Mario figure in his hand. Now, Mario happens to be a soubriquet given to me by some of the local youth. At first I use to berate them about this, but it did no good altogether. I decided that the best way to deal with this ,is to ignore it. This doesn't mean that the little darlings have stopped saying this, far from it, but it does my blood pressure no end of good. I also have to admit that there is a passing resemblance, particularly if I am wearing my bib and brace overalls. I mentioned it to my old boss, Corrado, an Italian gent. He is of a similar appearance to me, maybe even a couple of stones heavier. He suggested coming around, and posing as Guissepe. I told him no thanks, they already ask me where Guissepe is. I'm afraid I'll have to grin and bear it. I suppose it could be much worse.
Adios, or whatever that would be in Italian.

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