Lali's World

By Lali

Light, shadows and artwork

I spotted this this afternoon when I went for a drink with one of my sisters.

Another sunny and really warm day. This morning I went to the beach as planned. It was roasting and the beach was really crowded.

I had a mostly relaxed day with not a lot to report apart from helping a Chinese couple find Parc Guell. That part of town is a bit complicated, a bit easy to get lost in it, so I took them to the entrance.

I'm meeting some old school friends this evening for dinner, and tomorrow, if the weather continues like this it will be another beach day for me, meeting some old uni friends for lunch afterwards, and another one of my sisters for a drink in the afternoon (I've got six sisters).

Thanks very much for all your nice comments. I hope you all had a nice day! :)

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