to my bones

By mavo

let the weekend begin!

We had quite a long day at school and the morning was quite hard also, even the coffee didn't wake me up because I was sleeping so well and it would have been nice to continue for few more hours.. mm.. but no, needed to go to school. Luckily this was the last day before weekend, we always have Fridays off jeij! :)

After school I want to center with my flatmate Elisabeth, we tried to search a bike for me but the shop was closing in 15minutes so I didn't want to bike in that kind of hurry. Need to walk still.. it's so boring and slow. But actually it was nice today with Elisabeth. The houses in the picture are from our way to home, I've been watching those houses already for few times because they look so funny, they make you smile. We were also thinking that it would be fun to live in those "I live in the blue house, next to the red one..".

On the evening we made food at least for one hour because always we forgot to put some stove on :D after that we ate also for ages just chit chatting about people and school, it was a lot of fun. I like our apartment and the girls here a lot :>

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