Through Jo's Lens

By Jo8lens


I now realise that Lewis flying out of the door at the last minute and JUST catching his school bus is going to be a daily occurrence...I suppose it adds to the fun. I walked the younger two down to school and both are always happy to go.

I had a relaxing morning. I do remember some of the daytime tv I watched today because it was an interview with the nurse in the Stepping Hill case. I can't believe that an innocent person can be put through all that she has without being proven guilty. I have to admit that I DID originally think she'd done it but I'm a pretty poor judge of character seeing as I could never believe that Harold Shipman was guilty. When he was first arrested, I actually laughed and thought that the police were crazy. He just looked so ordinary.

My Mum called around in the afternoon and then drove me to the local retail park. I got bedding for the guinea pigs, a new lunch bag for Rowan (his Mickey Mouse one is just too babyish, according to his peers, even though he's only 7!) and my Mum bought some walking boots.

My Dad had to go to the hospital for an appointment in Urology. I told him to call and let me know the outcome. The outcome is that he has got bladder cancer. My Dad is the kind of person who puts everyone before himself and never makes a fuss about himself. He'll quietly get on with whatever the future brings and we'll all be behind him. The only thing which infuriates me is that he's been having symptoms for 3 years and would only go to the doctor when it was absolutely necessary. My best friend's Mum was also diagnosed with bladder cancer just a few weeks ago so she's kind of blazing a trail for my Dad. I'm hoping all goes well for both of them.

Nice sunset this evening.

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