Through Jo's Lens

By Jo8lens

How Much Is That Doggy In The Window?

Usual chaos this will be so much easier when I can escape to work again!!

Graham and I had another drive out. We went to Kirkby Lonsdale...had a short walk in the centre where we spotted this little guy who has a bird's eye view of all that is going on in the town. If only he could talk! He was tied up so maybe he tries to escape now and again?

Lewis came home without his PE kit which he'd "lost" at school. This is the second time he's had PE!! I told him there was no way he was getting another one so, if it didn't turn up, he would have to do PE in his shirt and trousers and explain to the PE teachers why. Lewis said he would save up his pocket money to buy himself a new PE kit. Graham drove him down to the school and Lewis went to the room where he'd had detention, (yes, already!! For not doing his homework!), fortunately the PE kit was there. He also came home with a note from the headmaster because Lewis hadn't been wearing a tie. A lot of rules for Lewis....I've told him he has to be organised and to multi-task!! Ha, ha, he'll be a man, I feel sorry that he's never going to be organised or able to multi-task!! Poor Lewis.

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