Crazy Beast

If I didn't know any better, I would say that Breagha had been drinking Red Bull, because on her walk this evening she was going mental. Tearing round the field running past me and growling, barking and yelping! The barley field had been harvested and she was tearing round that too. A man with 2 greyhounds and a terrier appeared round the corner and shouted "WOW she's fast"! He thought initially it was a deer running. And that was a man with 2 greyhounds. She then started chasing them.

This shot was taken as we were walking down a slight hill, she tore past me then tumbled head over heels - I was in hysterics! How much fun are cocker spaniels??

The picture is not quite sharp, but surely am forgiven for that, given the speed she was travelling at!! And all four paws off the ground.

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