...I wear my heart on my.....

lab door apparently!

Early in to work this morning...Open day....7.55 in my lab downloading and printing pictures from yesterday when Jo's new Food Tech room was finally finished and ready to go.

Three lessons to teach .......Digestive system x2 and Genetic Engineering.....rest of the time sprucing up the lab for Open Evening tonight.

My huge wall display of a galaxy....no not the bloody chocolate bar....finally arrived at 3.10....way to late to be put up for tonight.

Was planning to stay at work until about 4.30, then nip up to see Charlie ...then back for 5.30 and then Open Evening until 8.30.

The Boss rang at 4.15..." Are you coming home and then going back to work later?......Pause....Only I've been called in to work for an emergency night shift.....pause..... So if you're not coming home won't see you until Wednesday night"

So I shot home, quick coffee....."Hello dear.....Bye dear....See you tomorrow", and back to work for 5.30.

I was billed as BOSC's answer to Sweeney Todd as my dear friend hebs had booked me in for not one but two heart and lung dissections, one at 7.30 and one at 8.00. Doesn't that girl know I'm an expert...an artist....a show man?

Andrea and her pupils had decided (while I was away) that what was needed was the door and corridor walls outside my lab brightening up to attract an audience.....so they cut out dozens of red hearts and plastered them everywhere....caused a bit of a stir....two of the comments I can repeat are:
"Bloody Hell! Your lab looks like a tart's boudoir"
"Bugger me! It's the Tunnel of Love"

What it is to work with supportive colleagues!

Spent 45 minutes taking photos of Peter's Lab....Flame tests and Making microscope slides.....Andrea's Lab.....Wild animal Roadshow (Geckos, Bearded Dragons, African Land Snails and Tarantulas).....Jo's Food Tech room (Enchildas, cup cakes, Quiches, Cheese scoones and Jam and Cream scones) and Nabeelah's workshop, (Badge making and wooden toys).

Then on with the show....audience of about 50....20 minutes, non- stop commentary.....heart dissected from lungs, trachea dissected, lung dissected, heart dissected laterally and then vertically..........and a round of applause at the end!

10 Minutes to tidy away....new dissection kit and board...and then a repeat performance, to a smaller audience of about 20....same response!


Half way through second "operation" saw Gail sneaking in with a Cheese scone, which she left in my office for me....that woman saved my life!.

Tidied away....parents all gone....just about to head home....when I realised the only car left on the car park was hebs'....so gentleman that I am I waited for her, so she wasn't alone in the dark.

Home to cold sausages ( couldn't be bothered to warm them up and cook anything with them), watched CSi Miami and then set to....edited about 100 photographs and then posted this blip.

Just turned midnight...it's been a long day....I think I deserve a beer...then bed for another restless night!

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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