....this old heart of mine....

Appears to be fine. Saw the doc tonight....the one I'm not keen on....not the one who arranged the blood tests and ECG.

The results were back....it seems I have all the symptoms of potassium deficiency.....but my potassium level is only 0.2 below normal. She thinks it may be something else....unless I'm super sensitive to low potassium. All right....stop laughing....I know....me sensitive...who'd have thought it?

I know some of you are amazed I've got a heart......never mind sensitive.....most of you think I have a swinging rock instead of a heart.

The doc still thinks I may be at the onset of diabetes so we agreed to try some medication for 3 months to see if it makes a difference.

After all of this was settled she decided I need another potassium blood test first thing Monday morning....so maybe she's not sure herself. She was waving me off when I dropped the $64m question....."So what about the results of the ECG?"
"Oh yes that,"she said, "absolutely fine....no problem, strong as an ox"

So that's a relief....I do have a heart....it's working fine.....I have recognisable symptoms....but seemingly not the condition that causes them......I'm being treated for another condition....and we'll see where I am in 3 months.

Das vidanya moy padruga.

The blip? The Boss and the Daughter got given these thermal cups at work today. It must be nice to work in a .job that occasionally gives the employees small gifts

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