michigan man

By outdoorguy

One More Geyser and the Tetons

We had to go through Yellowstone to get to Grand Teton N.P. We pulled into one last geyser basin, and saw Cliff Geyser. Shot up 10-12 feet. Real pretty. We hit a couple more waterfalls before we left the park, and entered the Tetons. The background picture is buffalo dung. Sorry.

I hate to be the one to tell you...but the words Grand Tetons...translates into the "Big Breasts." That's what happens when you allow a bunch of horny frenchmen...who haven't seen a woman in months...to name anything. Sorry.

These are a few views of the beautiful mountains. The first one is at the Snake River. The 2nd is at Jenny Lake. The 3rd is one of the classic Teton shots. All we needed was a few pretty horses to complete the view. The 4th is the Chapel of the Transfiguration. They were having a wedding, so we couldn't go in. A big picture window in front of the church frames the mountains. A nice place to sit and think.

The last shot is an antelope mom with some baby antelope tail. We were driving south through Utah, and ended up staying in Rock Springs, Utah.

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