One Unending Understanding, Deep and wide...
Today I was browsing and I stumbled across something that got me very, very excited.
A competition to write a one-page screenplay.
It just jumped out and grabbed my attention. I thought to myself. I could do one page. Yes, one page. I could manage that.
I read the instructions, and they very kindly pointed me to another link which told me the format a one page screen play should take. The most stringent rule was, that it should only be on one page.
I sat my work to one side, (it was lunchtime afterall), and got started.
When I had described the scene, and started on the main character I had run out of page.
I changed my scene to a blank canvas, far fewer words required for that.
Characterisation takes more words than "Boy".
I wanted to encapsulate his youth, his sense, his worth, his family, his friends, his attitude, his thoughts. I ran out of page.
I settled for "youth", and gave direction, hoping that the direction would give sense of scope of the background.
I started the dialogue.
Each of my three characters had approximately 50 words each, liberally sprinkled with swear.
I took the swears out, I still ran out of page.
Lunch was over, and I thought, I'll do it later.
Then I sat on the couch and looked at Beau Bear. She doesn't have to worry about 1 page. She just lays there and looks cute.
So, I decided that is what I'll do.
Night night.
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