You Touch me with Your Spirit.....

Oh god. I have been horrendously bad tonight.

I went for a meal with my work, and behaved beautifully, and drunk nil.

All I could think about was my empty house, my empty bed, and the prospect of a long lie, and possibly a whole Saturday in bed. Doing nothing but thinking my daft thoughts, and dreaming impossible dreams.

So I left at a highly respectful time, and headed home, and thought to myself.... "I would quite like a little drinky before bed". Oh no, I have nothing in. As I drove into the estate, I looked at the clock, 2158. I pulled the car over at the Spar, the speed at which I ran in squealing "Is it too late to buy alcohol?, was only exceeded by the speed at which the owner ran from the back of the shop screaming, "No, you certainly are not".

Oh my god, I am mortified. It hink he thought I was a lush!

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