michigan man

By outdoorguy

Heading Home

We woke up in Walsenburg, Colorado...92 miles south
of Colorado Springs. According to Mandy...my GPS girl...we were 1,374 miles from
home. A long way.
2 more mornings of loading the van. We got up
early-6 a.m., are were off about 6:20. Before we left...a mourning dove let me
get 2 shots of her posing in front of the setting moon.
Hours later...driving across Kansas(worse than
Iowa), we stopped in Victoria, KS., at the Cathedral of the Plains, or the St.
Fidelis Church. It was a big place. I have seen some opulent  catholic
churches, and this ranked right up there...especially on the inside. Beautiful
columns, ceilings, and stained glass. The immense size of the church made me
wonder where they drew their parishioners from. We were in the middle of
nowhere. The cemetery down the street was impressive, too. More cross headstones
than I've ever seen in one place.
We ended up going 750 miles, which leaves us with
624 miles to home. We stopped in Columbia, Missouri at a Comfort Suites...our
nicest place on the trip.
and the Bandit...Jerry Reed singing.

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