Hodie mihi cras tibi cur igitur curas 1570

This is one of the inscriptions on the building that is the Museum of Edinburgh - there are several, but this is the one that the bus stops beside, so sitting on the upper deck of a no 35 bus made me exactly level with it. The Romans didn't really do punctuation. Something like: "Today it's me, tomorrow it's you, therefore why care?" (CarolineJay may be able to improve on this!)

I spent a couple of hours this morning catching up with various blip chums and Blip in general, including watching Joe doing his presentation at the social media thing-y in Glasgow. It was good to be reminded of LifeTurns again. Yay! Then I cleaned the kitchen floor whilst listening on the radio to the Pars getting humped, then it was time for yoga. Apart from bumping into several old chums in Pizza Express later on, that was it.

Sweet dreams, blippers!

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