Vive la Vie

By gillybxl


D didn't think much of his pudding today.

I have spent the day feeling very anxious. Next week myself and my husband have a work commitment in the evening that we both have to attend, so we have to find a babysitter. I've never left both kids with anyone but my Mum or Mother-in-Law. So tonight we 'trialled' a babysitter. She came over at 6pm to meet and play with the kids (both kids had had late afternoon sleeps due to and energetic time at the soft play). O was brilliant and took to her straight away and wittered on and on (poor girl). D was much more wary but eventually crept a little closer to her (as long as I was close by!). Once both children were in bed and asleep myself and hubby went out for a meal with friends very close by.
We had a lovely evening, despite my worrying, and returned to a quiet house. Both kids hadn't made a peep. Phew, what a relief as now I feel a little better about Tuesday.

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