Vive la Vie

By gillybxl


17 months old today

In the last week I've really noticed a difference in D as he seems to understand so much now.

For example he understands, lie down, sit, stand up, put it in the bin, cuddle time, kiss, socks, trousers, t-shirt, nappy, bath time, bye bye. I've just read that back and some of it makes him sound like he's obeying commands for a dog!). Whenever he does something correctly he gets so excited and applauds himself and nods his head vigorously. He is very cute. He has also started copying O a lot which isn't always a good idea! However it is very funny to watch him trying to copy her do her ballet moves.
My husband is adamant that he is also starting to understand a bit of french as the creche he goes to is all in french. He has made a little friend called Gabriel and apparently they seek each other out every day to play and follow each other around.

I missed my first blip yesterday as I was a bit too busy and didn't want to take any old photo. I attended an Open House evening at my daughter's school which was great. They outlined the curriculum and everything that they do and will be doing. It really is a very thorough and clever curriculum.

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